Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hey Jason,

This is just a little something for you since you have internet service for the next day or two. We love and miss you, get your butt home soon! love ya!

mom, dave, moni, sam, kevin and luca

Here is your sister with her "date" for the winter formal. dan is just a friend so put the gun away ;-)

This is Luca and Kevin. They have hit it off well and like to play together. You can't really tell from this picture, but if you look close enough, you can see the chain from Kevin's "dog tags" that he wears... just like yours.

Needless to say, even Casper loves the baby. He let's him do anything he wants to him and will often get between luca and whoever is trying to play with him.

Mommy only had to give a lesson or two to be gentle, and a friend was earned for life!

Here is mom and Luca at Jerry and Suzie's for the pre, pre christmas brunch. Much to moni's dismay, she has learned how big the family might be...LOL

Partying with the clan can be exhausting for all

mmmmmm apple streudel!

there's nothing like big wet sloppy kisses between cousins......?

Luca's first christmas gift

As you have taught Kevin....

Kevin Teaches Luca

This is MY dog!

Chloe stays away from luca, but here you can see that even Max gives him a little patience

BTW: directly after this shot was taken, luca siezed max (much like a warner bros cartoon) max screamed an we had to pry luca's fingers out of his feathers. Max is fine, but for some unknown reason, he seems a little skiddish around the baby.

Everybody needs a nap after turkey dinner

As a matter of fact, a turkey dinner can make you sleep anywhere


I'll send all the pictures on CD to you after Moni heads home.

Love to all the guys over there. oxoxoxoxoxox to you all

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