Monday, December 3, 2007

Where to start?

This is my first post to a blog. It's odd and I am not sure how to start so I'll just jump in.

First, I don't consider myself an "artist". Being an "artist" would take too much time, dedication, education, devotion, etc.

I have 3 kids, a dog and a cat. There is not room left in my day to be or become an "artist" (personally, I thank god the bird hates me and loves my husband - that's one less plate to fill in the morning!)

The time constraints and the fact that I enjoy multiple mediums (crocheting and knitting to traditional quill work) in my mind make me a "craftsman"; and I like that title just fine. But enough about me, lets get to the good stuff. The things I make!

Below is my take on Klassen. I muted the turquoise tones and omitted the "plaidy" grass stokes and grungy everything more than her. The turquoise is done in a base coat and then a wet wash and then dry brush of a deeper hue.

I enjoy painting both highly detailed pieces like Trompe L'Oeil, but I enjoy these as well. I like the simplicity of the piece, it also avoids looking "modern crafty" which is important to me. I don't think that "americana" should look "crafty".

I primed this brass plate first with several coats of good metal primer, which gave me a base that had plenty of tooth.

I am lucky enough to live by several auction houses and that is where I was able to nab a few of these plates. Itry my best to find a variety of surface on which to work. I enjoy shopping at the auctions as it forces me to look at pieces to see potential and hidden uses.


Homespun Mama said...

Very Cool. I'll have to check out your shop on Etsy.

spirit said...

thanks for stopping by!